Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A New Path

Today I resigned from my job of nearly 4 years.

It was really hard to do. You see I'm not resigning because I don't like the job or I've got something else to go to. I'm quitting so that I've got more time to be with my kids.

I'm not stopping work altogether, but I am giving up a job I really love and feel valuable in. It's taken me some time to realise this is a decision I need to make for my family. But that doesn't mean it feels like the best choice for myself.

We've just come back from a trip around the outback. We've toured lots of museums that tell of what life was like in outback Australia in the 1800's. There were many tales of women who gave up everything -their own families, their country of birth, their position in society, their comfort, their safety and ultimately, their lives, so that farms could be settled on the fringes of settlement. This put into perspective my own position. I'm not leaving my house and I get to give something more to the people I love. I don't really have any reason to complain.

So starting tomorrow, I've decided to embrace the mindset of a pioneering mother:
  • No more feeling sorry for myself about giving up what I want for others
  • Looking for opportunities in everything that comes my way, even the things that don't seem to be going very well
  • Being resourceful and making the most of what I have, not pining for the things I don't have
  • Valuing every day I have with my children and husband and looking for ways to connect with each of them, individually, every day
  • Connecting with other modern pioneer mothers who are doing their bit to shape the future generation
  • Celebrating my motherhood by getting stuck into the jobs and then sitting down for a nice cup of tea on the patio

Life is good. I don't want to waste a day of it.


  1. You are a Legend and I'm your biggest fan. PD

  2. Hey Rachel... what a decision! Well done for thinking clearly and making that choice for your family.

    With that thinking you should connect with an online friend who did some writing for me over the last couple of years - Brandy Ferguson in Allen, Texas. She holds very similar values to you, and you may find a connection. Do a search for Marathon Mum... that's the name of her book and blog - she runs a home of 5 young men, and is extremely committed to motherhood.

    trust the journey and opportunities are all you seek!

    BTW I am really enjoying my new path of funeral celebrancy. have used the skills developed during my chaplaincy days all the time!

    Cheers and blessing,


  3. Enjoy this new phase in your life, and enjoy those kids! Time cruises by faster than we ever imagine.

    (I just started a blog last fall, and it's like my own journal and scrapbook all wrapped up in one.)
