Thursday, March 20, 2008

Handbag Adventures

I heard a couple of guys talking on the radio yesterday about the Queen and how she always has a different handbag. They said they'd love to know what she actually had in her handbag. That got me thinking, what would she have?

A photo of the corgis and the grand kids?
Some tissues and a bit of lippy?
After all, I can't imagine that she needs any money, keys or even a driver's licence. That's what all those servants are for, isn't it?

Then I had a think about what my handbag says about me. Hmmm, well apart from the usual things like keys and a wallet, there's a scrunched up Woolies docket, a packet of Bandaids and Panadol, some tissues and a lip gloss.

Then I thought I'd have a good old clean out and this is what I found: three plastic army men (you can never have enough of them can you?); a bead necklace made with love and care; a squished Mintie someone through in there at a party the other day; these earrings I've been looking for, and; a $30 Target exchange coupon that expires in four days time.

As you can see, it was quite a good find. So what does this say about me? Clearly it says 'MUM'. I was hoping it says beautiful, sophisticated and successful, but I think it just says daggy, struggling-with-all-those-interest-rate-rises but loved. That that's wehn I threw it all back in and made myself a cup of tea. After all, what could be more valuable that being loved?

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